Church Library     Contact: Deb Erickson.   Library
The library of Our Redeemer Lutheran is in the “Good Shepherd” room, which is located to the right of the entryway of the church.  Any individual who attends Our Redeemer is invited to make use of this source of Christian literature, tapes, and DVDs.  A wide-range of reading material can be found in this library, ranging from the latest Christian fiction to material on parenting, Bible study helps, marriage, spiritual growth, prayer, etc.

When choosing materials, please sign the card inside the book and place it in the card file that is located on the shelves on the east wall of the library.  If anyone would like a specific book, tape, etc. to be a part of the library, please inform the church secretary of your request, and all due effort will be made to see that it becomes a part of the library collection. 


Christ’s Crew     Contact: Jim Eckert and Ron Larson. All men are invited to join Christ’s Crew on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m.  The main focus of this group is to gather as Christian men to discuss various issues we face as men, and let the Bible speak to us for insights we can apply in daily living.  This group also performs service projects as needed to address requests that are left in the “Needs Box” in the narthex.


Quilting for Christ     “Quilting for Christ’s Children” is the quilting group here at Our Redeemer and we do just that!  We make quilts for Christ’quilts sanctuarys
children and distribute them through church missions such as Lutheran World Relief and assorted local organizations, as well as to our newlywed members, baptized children through age 5, and fire or other disaster victims.  Our group consists of sewers and non-sewers alike.  From September through May the quilters meet every Thursday from 9 to Noon.  Any changes will be noted on the church calendar and Sunday bulletins.    Contact Bev Callahan for more information at 247-7374 or Ethel Toewe at 328-5471.


Hospitality Team     Chairperson:  Jim and Irene Eckert.
The Hospitality Committee serves to welcome visitors, provide information about Our Redeemer at the Hospitality Booth,DSC03744-crop
honor new members, ensure a welcoming and user friendly environment as well as to provide fellowship opportunities for members and non- members to grow stronger in their faith and with one another, to connect or reconnect with the church and God and to outreach to those who are in need.  As God has so richly poured out His blessings we joyfully serve and desire to be able to give back to you – the church; and look forward to supporting the needs, mission, vision and ministry target areas of the church.


Lutherans For Life     Life Ministry Coordinators:  Lutherans For Life is a national organization whose mission is to witness to the sanctity of human life through education based on the Word of God.  We seek opportunities to educate and motivate all groups of Our Redeemer for service as Christian witnesses and citizens on life and family issues.


Prayer Chain     The Telephone Prayer Chain is comprised of members who are willing to pray for needs of others and also prayers of thanksgiving when requests are made.  The key person passes along the requests exactly as received and they are always treated with complete confidentiality.  It is each person’s responsibility to pray and to immediately contact the next person on the chain.  God wants his children to pray and he promises to hear and answer our prayers according to His perfect will.  There is a sign up sheet at the Hospitality Booth for anyone interested in becoming an important link in the prayer chain.


Wellness Ministry Team     Parish Nurse: Greta Crowe.  We are very fortunate at Our Redeemer to have a Parish Nurse.  Greta and Mary visit with members that are sick or hospitalized and offers spiritual support and prayer.  Please inform the church office if you wish to receive a visit from a Parish Nurse.  Greta and Mary are also valuable resources to the Wellness Ministry Committee, offer prayer, along with the Elders, to worshipers after Communion on Sunday mornings, and coordinates monthly blood pressure checks.

The Wellness Ministry Team was formed to be a support system to the Parish Nurse, as well as to address areas of concern from the congregation related to physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.  As a result of a congregational survey, we are now offering monthly blood pressure checks,  have held CPR classes, and are planning future discussions on various topics.


Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)     President: Irene Eckert. Each one should use whatever gift she has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. Our Mission Statement: The women of Our Redeemer are Sisters in Christ here to teach, help and encourage each other to reach out to those in need. The purpose of the group: To foster Christian Sisterhood with in our church. We want ALL the women to feel that they ARE part of this group, it has always been said, however, many don’t feel it. We know that you are using your gifts to honor God as you can. Maybe your gift is teaching Sunday school, but you have no idea how to make something for the annual bazaar.   That is OK, you are using your God given gift to serve and support your church and community. It is important to understand that we are part of the LWML, we will still collect mites to send for mission work. We have certain responsibilities that we must fulfill to the LWML proper.  That being said, PLEASE do not feel that you will be expected to “step-up” when you start to join us for events and/or meetings.  Again, we want you to use your gifts where you can. Meetings are held quarterly with an annual vision retreat in January to make the plans for each year.


SERVING GROUPS     All women of the congregation are assigned to a serving group.  There are three serving groups at Our Redeemer that provide food and labor to serve meals after funerals and other special events held at the church.   This is a very special ministry of the church and we thank you for your participation.  Serving lists are updated on a regular basis and handed out to the women listed.   If you have questions or concerns, please contact the kitchen coordinator.  For use of the fellowship hall/kitchen contact the kitchen coordinator, Diane Clough, regarding the policy and to reserve a date.