Sunday School now called Kids For Christ (KFC)   Our Redeemer offers Christian education opportunities to youth age 3 through 12th grade.  Our emphasis has turned to Family Ministry rather than the traditional Sunday School program of the past.  On Wednesday evenings, families gather in our Fellowship Hall for a light supper at 5:00 before moving to the educational component as a family at 5:45.  The class is over at 6:30 pm.  If you have questions, contact DEC Tim Stroming.

Confirmation     This program provides opportunities for parents to mentor their 7th and/or 8th grade child(ren), to look deeply into their faith, their relationship with God, and their responsibilities as Christian people.  Confirmation begins in September and continues through May, on Wednesday evenings at 5:00 for a light supper followed by a new approach to teaching and encouraging Christian growth in our young people.  Parents are asked and encouraged to come with their child during this time.  Class ends by 6:30 pm.  Please contact DCE Tim Stroming if you have questions or wish to enroll in the Confirmation program.

Release Time     Release Time is an educational program in which 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are bussed from Cohasset Elementary to Our Redeemer for one hour of religious education every other week from October through March.  Dedicated Release Time teachers work to bring the message of Jesus’ love and His Word to these kids and their families.  Please contact the school to sign up your student for this opportunity